Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sunny Switzerland!!

WOW we are having incredible weather over here in Switzerland.. I know my previous post makes it look like we have a lot of snow, but where I live we haven't had any for quite a while!! Some other parts in Switzerland has snow because the altitude is higher.. but here in Basel the weather is incredible!!

Yesterday I had half a day of school, so afterwards Ana and I decided we should do something since it was the most warm and beautiful February 7th I have ever seen. There is a river in Basel that we often go to during the day or sometimes at night, and it's one of the most relaxing places I have ever been to. There is a sitting place on the side of the Rhine, that looks like this:

Yesterday it was around 13 degrees Celsius, so Ana and I went to the sitting place and sat there for over three hours.  At first we talked and ate lunch, then we started to quiet down and really enjoy the moment. I sat there looking at a typical, beautiful Swiss view (in a t-shirt might I add.) We were surrounded by people laughing and talking, swans floating down the rivers current, birds chirping and flying around, trams crossing the bridges and the beautiful row of Swiss houses across the narrow river with the church bells ringing ever half an hour. This exchange is a dream come true. 

I would also like to add that today, I have officially been in Switzerland for SIX MONTHS!! Time is flying, I can't believe I'm more than half way done my exchange. I hope time slows down a little bit because I'm loving it here so much. 

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