Thursday, March 24, 2011


Last Thursday Ana and I embarked on a trip that I previously mentioned, to Munich Germany!! I was so lucky that my Rotary Counselor organized this whole trip for the two of us, including finding a Rotary family to stay with for four days. It takes about six hours by trains to get there, so of course Ana and I had a fun day with great chats on the train ride there, I love that... sitting on the train with good friends and just talking away while enjoying all the gorgeous views you pass.

Once we arrived, Ana and I met the Heene family.. the family we were staying with. They are incredible!! They were all so friendly and welcoming.. Unfortunately I was really sick the whole time I was in Munich with either bad cold or a touch of bronchitis, so the host mom ended up feeling like an actual mom to me because she took such great care of me.

Our second day in Munich, Wolmuth (the host mother), Ana and I went to Dacchau Concentration Camp. We did a tour through Dacchau and it was extremely unsettling. It was so harsh and cruel, that it was impossible for me to wrap my head around. However, about 3/4ths through the tour there was a moment that hit me and showed me how real it really was.. There are pictures of the soldiers and doctors running tests on the people in that camp. They ran medical tests like air pressure tests, and there were pictures of the people dying and in extreme amounts of pain, it was disgusting. How can someone be so cruel? I will never forget that horrible feelings that I got there...

Afterwards we went out to a movie, The King's Speech. Okay, okay .. I can't say if it was good or not. I can tell you, I head it's very good!! Since I was so sick and on medications, anytime I sat down I would immediately fall asleep without even noticing. My head would tilt back, eyes would close and I was out like a light.. so unfortunately I missed the entire movie!! Also missed all the scenery in most car rides.. oops..

On the third day in Munich, my host father Andreas, host sister Karoline, Wolmuth, Ana and I went to a palace. A king once lived in this palace, it was a beautiful place. However, the inside of the place just scared me! It was COVERED in gold EVERYTHING, it was just too much! It was really interesting to be in there for a day though and tour through the house and see how it was set up in the olden days.

Throughout those 3 days it basically rained the whole time which made it nice there was also indoor activities to do.. However, on Sunday the day Ana and I had to leave it was a beautiful day!! Warm and sunny, it was perfect! Luckily our train didn't leave until 1:30 pm so we had the whole morning to go explore the city of Munich together. Wolmuth, Karoline, Ana and I walked around and explored the gorgeous, old city. It's incredible!! The buildings are gorgeous, so interestingly built. The people are friendly and the atmosphere is so calm and welcoming, everyone was sitting on the street outside of the cafes enjoying a nice Espresso in the sun. At 12:00 we heard the famous Glockenspiel play!! It was the best day there, I LOVED IT!! It's such an amazing city!!

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