Monday, February 14, 2011

Weekend in the Alps!

At Christmas time, I attended a Rotary dinner and met an incredible family.. The Sollberger's. We sat at the same table and they invited me to their apartment in the Alps, and that was this past weekend!

Their apartment is in Sorenberg, Switzerland. It is a gorgeous place!! It had a balcony that you could walk onto and view rows upon rows of mountains, along with all the skiers and snowboarders that were going down the mountains.

Saturday was a relaxing day which was wonderful. We went out for ice cream and I got to see the beautiful village. Then we went back to the apartment and I sat on the balcony, in the sun, overlooking the Swiss Alps.. Here is the view from the balcony:

Here's the view from my bedroom window:

Once the sun went down, the Sollberger's invited me to a ski & snowboard freestyle competition, it was so cool! These people are absolutely incredible at being in control while flying through the air attached to skis or a snowboard, it was magnificent. Unfortunately, I couldn't get a good picture because it was night time and they were going too fast but it was really cool !! Afterwards we went to a Pizzeria, mmmmm. And we all sat there chatting the night away.

The next day, I was apart of a really cool family tradition. Every Sunday that they are in their apartment for the weekend, the father (Simeon) and the two kids (Florence and Fabreece)  go to the local store and pick out the bread they want to have for breakfast while the mom (Sandra) prepares everything back at home. So I went down to the store and picked out a few croissants and other neat Swiss bread.. PS the bread here is fabulous. My hips think so too!

Afterwards we got all warmly dressed for the mountains, oh who am I kidding.. the weather was fabulous and you barely needed a winter jacket!! It was spring temperatures, probably around 10 degrees Celsius. Unfortunately Sandra wasn't feeling well, but Simeon, Fabreece, Florence and I went skiing! I'm not very good at it, and they were all very patient and so supportive, encouraging and all made very good teachers!! Since I was on a mountain, some parts of the hill were really steep! At one point, I was going down a not-so-steep hill then I looked beside me and there was a hill attached to mine, it was so steep and I laughed as I went past it. Simeon stopped and said, okay lets try this one! At first I chuckled and thought he was kidding, but he wasn't.. I could have said no but I wanted the challenge and I did it !! I followed him and I was so proud of myself, I went down that really steep hill twice and it felt really good. They are all so incredible.

Then sadly it was time to go back to the apartment, pack up and head home. I had such an incredible time with this family, they are amazing!! They are so down-to-earth and happy and so welcoming, I felt like I was at home within the first 30 minutes of being there... I had an INCREDIBLE weekend!!

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