Tuesday, August 10, 2010

In the land of the Swiss ...


I left Canada around 9 30 pm, the plane was a little delayed. It was a hard take off, knowing that I won't be on the Canadian ground for another year. However, that's done and now I'm here!!

The plane ride was alright, I can't complain about it being 8 hours because a lot of the exchange students had flights that were much longer !! The guy beside me fell asleep - on me.. His head was on my shoulder so I tried really hard not to move so that I wouldn't wake him up. I was so anxious the whole time that I didn't even watch a full movie. I tried to watch Blind Side but I realized I wasn't paying attention so I kept turning it off and listened to music. When it was about 12 a.m Toronto time, the plane was pitch black. (Earlier, the people came around and told us to shut our windows.) So I cracked open my window and almost lit up the whole plane with sunlight. It was so bright!! We were flying over the ocean, but you could only see clouds since we were 35000 feet up! I caught a quick glimpse of the sun and took a picture then shut my window so that no one would wake up.

When I arrived at the airport, I had no idea what to do. Luckily, as the crowd walked and split off to different parts, I asked someone. She was so friendly, and she took me through the whole airport. You had to get on a subway after you landed, to go the baggage part. It was crammed with people and everyone was standing up. I was the Canadian that could barely hold myself up, they must all be Swiss because they barely budged as it twisted and turned down the tracks.

I finally arrived and was greeted by a bunch of people. My host mother and father, two of my host sisters, my counsellor and his wife, and the chair of exchange in my club. We went and had some iced tea ( it tastes a little different here.)

Then we drove home, but on the way I got a tour of like 5 villages. Everything is so beautiful here. The meat is very fresh - I went to a farm and lets just say, I might see them on my plate soon.

Later on, we went to a castle that has been vacant for 700 years. The Lord of Basel used to own it, but it got invaded and burned and he ran away.

Then we all sat outside and talked for a long time and went to bed.

The food is amazing here, they make really good meals.

I am learning a lot of German, it's a pretty big barrier for right now but it's going well! This morning my host mother, Gabi and I had breakfast together and we got out the dictionary and had a good chat. Then we went upstairs and used google translator! It was a lot easier. I am learning SO many words and the way I talk is becoming more German. For example, the w is pronounced as a v. So I have already found myself saying English words the way they do in Switzerland!

I am almost unpacked, I got 3/4ths of it done yesterday but fell asleep... I'll get the rest done today. My sister Linda gets home at 1 and we are going to go swimming and for a run. When I told them that I like to run and asked if I could go everyday, I had to act it out because they weren't too sure what I was saying. Looking like a maniac is normal for me now... Look out Canada, I'm going to be awesome at charades when I get back.

My host mother just told me about the sport 'shwigen.' In two weeks it's the big tournament and we are going to go watch it, it's basically two very big guys wrestle against each other and swing each other around I think? I'm not exactly sure, but it'll be fun!

Anyway, it's time to go out and do more things.. I will keep you updated !!

The view from the back deck on my house, my village Buus.

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