Wednesday, August 11, 2010

There is so much to see!

Today was a great day, there is so much to see here! Switzerland is so tiny so everything is very close. They think an hour drive is really long, so I told them about how often I drive to Toronto and they were shocked!

Yesterday I went to the village's swimming pool with my two older sisters, Linda and Tamara. We met up with some friend's of theirs and hung out for a few hours in the sun. We played cards and talked a lot, surprisingly. It's rare to have long conversations right now since the language barrier is pretty big! However, my German is coming along very fast and I speak 'Gerglish' to them, and they can understand what I am talking about.

Today was an unreal day!! We went to Basel, the city that's close to my village. We took the bus and then the train, to get there. Basel is the second largest city in Switzerland and there was people everywhere!! Everyone is so calm and happy, it is a really good atmosphere here. Basel is beautiful, it is on the River of Rhine. Here are some pictures of Basel:

The two pictures above are of the River of Rhine, a very famous river. It is beautiful there and all the people are very friendly. My mom asked to compare it to a city in Canada to give a better idea of what it was, so I said it was like a Swiss Quebec City.

On the way home from Basel to my village we passed the big Basel soccer stadium. The Basel team is very famous in Switzerland and does very well, they are all HUGE soccer fans. My host father, Simon, said he wants to take me to a game!! I can't wait for that, I told him that we have to paint ourselves that Basel colors and go wild! I'm so excited.

Tonight I met a lot of other people that are my age from the village. We went to the sports club, they go there every Wednesday night together and play sports and work out. We did sprints, hill runs, soccer and floor hockey for about 2 hours. Afterwards, they had a meeting for about 30 minutes and I sat there and was trying to pick up what they were saying. Turns out, I'm now on a floor hockey club and we have a big tournament in September against all the other surrounding villages. I'm very excited for that! It was really nice to meet other people that are my age from around the village, they loved my Canadian accent. They kept telling me "I love your voice!!" and "I love how you speak Deutsch!"

I wonder if I will get their accent after spending a year here!

Anyway, it's 1 a.m and each day is very busy so I better get some sleep..

Geute nacht!


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