Friday, December 3, 2010

Cirque Du Soleil!


What a super show they put on, I've never been to one that incredible. For anyone that doesn't know the Cirque du Soleil, it's a big circus production made in Quebec. It was quite funny to watch a Canadian show, in Switzerland! Unfortunately I couldn't take any photos but I found the trailer for it online, so this will give you an idea of what I saw:

On the right side of that website, you'll see a video that gives you a preview of the show.

I went with my Rotary Host Officer, Hanspeter and his wife Ruth. The same two people that took me to see the Swiss Indoors!! They're incredible people, we always have a lot of fun together and it's VERY nice of them to keep inviting me to places like that.

I can't believe how people bodies can twist and bend like I saw last night, and how strong these people are! It blew my mind to watch someone climb up a pole using only their arms, feet horizontal in the air, and made it seem like it was the easiest thing ever, it was shocking. Also, we watched their bodies fly in the air but somehow they were in complete control while doing so.

I couldn't stop saying 'Woahhhhhhh..' the whole entire show! I wouldn't even realize my jaw was almost touching the floor. I was actually so thirsty afterwards because my jaw was literally dropped.

It was unbelievable, I suggest to everyone to see a show put on by the Cirque du Soleil group, please put that on your bucket list, it was one of the most amazing shows I have ever seen.

Okay so I'm going to share a pretty embarrassing story with you, after much debate in my head if I should...

In my school here in Switzerland there are a few different cafeterias since there are a few schools on one campus. I was in the cafeteria called "Klein Mensa" which luckily "Klein" means small, however there were so many people in there than normal. The tables were all filled, just my luck.

I was playing Ping Pong with a friend from my class, which is towards the side of the cafeteria. The ball got hit out of the game and went rolling towards the centre of the Cafeteria where all the tables surround. I happily went running over with a little hop in my run since I was in a really good mood.. Little did I know, there was a wet spot on the floor. As I ran toward the ball, centre of the Cafeteria might I add, I completely wiped out.

It was faaantastic.

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