Friday, September 24, 2010

day dream believer

I remember as a little girl my sister and I had this game that we always played, we would spin the globe and stop it with one finger and say "That's where I'm going to live when I'm older..."

I wonder if I ever landed on Switzerland.. At the time I was convinced that I was actually going to live there when I got older, but as I became older reality set in that it's not always like that.  Most people don't pack up their stuff and live somewhere else for a year, but it seems like that game has turned into reality for me and also my sister since she is possibly living in China for a year next year. Once you do something like this you definitely get the travel bug and I'm sure she will too. I just want to travel everywhere!! I showed my classmates the book of Muskoka and they were amazed, it was a great feeling. As they sat there looking at the pictures with the 'ooo's and aw's' I was thinking, and I realized that that's just a very little piece of the world and the sights that I see on a daily basis here in Switzerland is another very little piece to this world. There is SO much to see and so little time, I know that when I'm done this exchange I'm going to thirst for more traveling.
So who knows? Maybe the places I landed on are the places I'm actually going to be living in for a while - maybe it's destiny !

 I have learnt so much about the world in the past 2 months than I have my whole life (sorry teachers.. )
I realize that when I live it instead of reading about it, I learn a thousand times better as I'm sure most people do. Exchange students are here from countries that I have heard of but have no idea where it is and know nothing about it, I end up learning so much about the country and my views of the world have been changing immensely. On a daily basis I am talking with people that have been through unbelievable things and seen unbelievable sights - from people that had their school on lock down because they were in a school a block away from the horrific Virginia Tech Shooting to people that live in the most dangerous city in the world and their daily life there, it's unbelievable to hear their stories. It really opens my eyes and it's incredible to hear since I'm from such a small town that never has incidents like that. At the same time, I hear about all the beautiful places in the world and I can't wait until I can go visit them one day.

Who would have imagined that Megan and my game would become my life? Certainly not me, but hey - cheers to my little girl dreams when I was 6 and making them reality when I was 17. 

Now I have 2 weeks of holidays! WOOOO!!

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